Posts Tagged ‘Painting’

4’x 5′ Acrylic and charcoal on unprimed, unstretched canvas. What is Canada but a giant weather forecast?

Here is the second of three final paintings for this semester. This one changed a lot from start to finish and was met with a lot of interesting criticism along the way. I think a painting like this immediately appears to be unfinished because of its lack of colour, especially when parts of it like […]

Oil and acrylic on canvas  4’3″x 4’3″ This was a mid term project that I never uploaded because I didn’t really like it.  I still don’t like it much but I’m going to roll it up soon so I thought I would at least put it up here. It is supposed to be a response […]

8’x 6′     Acrylic on canvas The arrangement of dots here is taken from photos of gum on the sidewalk outside a local bar. I used information from four adjacent blocks of sidewalk and gridded them onto the painting one by one using black paint. In between blocks I lay down a coat of thinned […]

Street Pigeons


4′ x5′ Oil on canvas How and why do pigeons live in manufactured environments? What parallels are there between humans and pigeons?

Lots of purple in this one. I’ve been getting mixed results about the green circle and the white dots on the side but the whole painting seems to hold together better than my previous one.

Back into large paintings again this semester.  This one is 5’x6′.  I have been experimenting with painting with a small foam paint roller. It works pretty well and its useful because I can layer thin coats of paint, but it also leaves strange patterns and a rippled effect. Sometimes it works out, but most of […]

            Here is my latest foray into glazing. I thought it might be interesting to work on something small and detailed after a semester of rather large and loose work.  The decision to take pictures after every session of painting came because this style of painting lends itself to process and I thought it would […]

This was the second component to my final project for painting. The assignment was to cover a variety of familiar objects with patterned cloth that might conceal their identity, and then paint them.  My objects were a big greek pot that I threw last year in throwing class, a stapler and a hammer.  There are […]

I’m not quite happy with this reproduction.  The large dark portion in the middle should be quite a bit darker, and the shadows are too saturated. In this painting I was trying to capture the sense of stillness that one gets when they look at the stacks of containers at the container pier in Point […]

    This project was in response to our assignment, the cartography of time. I chose to melt a block of ice on my board and mark its progress by tracing its puddle’s expanding perimeter. It took me about three hours of tracing. I know because I labelled the time that I made every outline. After […]

Green Snow Plow


I think this is missing a wheel or two on the back of the cab. It’s tough working from bad photos and memories.

Bobcat Study


The big green street snowplow is up next.  See my last entry for explanation.

On Snow Days


  Last winter I took a series of pictures of people scrambling to dig themselves out the morning after a significant snowfall. I have been thinking about a painting that would borrow subjects from these photos and that would investigate the occurrence of a snow day. As a child, snow days were a huge part […]

This was a weird painting to paint, because I didn’t have any details to work with. All I had was the sketches from a few posts ago.  Blowing them up on a four by five foot canvas was a tricky exercise.